Add bit-depth toggle for Chromecast (16bit/ 24bit) by in #352.move from 16bit to 24 bit audio for Chromecast / WASAPI by in #349.Upgrade webpack to version 5.62.1 by in #341.
Changed instances of "seemless" to "seamless" by in #336. Fix MV audio, (Audio groups?) in Chromecast by in #332. DLNA / UPnP support (except LG TVs cus it sucks) by in #327.
Allow Chromecast and Exclusive starts before audio playing by in #325. revert audioworklet on chromecast by in #323. Upgrade webpack to version 5.61.0 by in #317. Add buttons for Youtube Lyrics by in #315. changed catalogid to full attribute by in #308. backButton: removed prefer-color-scheme check by in #303. Mute app system audio if Chromecast / WASAPI is on by in #301. Fix #293 - Cannot read properties of null(reading 'setAttribute') by in #295. Made Lyric button have a z-index of 9999 to prevent it to become unclickable by other elements by in #298. Fix CORS errors for Itunes Match songs by in #296. Dithering audio to remove some noises by in #292. Added settings for #288 and added #249 by in #291. Improved resolution of album image resolves #283 by in #284. Upgrade webpack to version 5.59.0 by in #274. Filter unneeded lyrics call by in #267. Fix Lyrics fallback in some cases and add 'Play a song to see the lyrics here.' message by in #264. Allow window to be dragged on music videos by in #261. Fix exit button on music videos by in #255. Stop logging lrc error message by in #254. Fix typo so lyrics view won't bug out by in #252. so basically fuck master branch yo by in #251. Rewrite Musixmatch Lyrics Integration by in #248. Fix lyrics on MacOS simulation by in #244. Fix lyrics seek error alert and iTunes Match album art by in #243. Upgrade webpack to version 5.58.1 by in #242. Upgrade webpack to version 5.57.1 by in #237.
Upgrade webpack to version 5.56.0 by in #233. Upgrade webpack to version 5.55.1 by in #231. Upgrade git-clone to version 0.2.0 by in #229. Upgrade webpack to version 5.54.0 by in #226. Upgrade webpack to version 5.53.0 by in #215. Adds a context menu on right click (on song entries) by in #221. Upgrade webpack to version 5.52.0 by in #209. Upgrade node-fetch to version 3.0.0 by in #208.
Upgrade discord-rpc to version 4.0.1 by in #207. Reorder and fix bug in maximise and minimise by in #177. Note: While Apple Music Electron supports migration from old versions of the app, it is RECOMMENDED to DELETE the %appdata%/AppleMusic folder before installing the update, in some cases some the app will show blank screen if the folder is not deleted.